About - Filmmakers
director | director of photography
Fritz has been chasing stories across Canada’s North for over two decades, focusing his lens on a wide range of subjects from migrating caribou to national parks to indigenous communities. He came to the Yukon as a research scientist working on his graduate thesis, followed by a decade working in government, and the next decade as a photographer and filmmaker. In recent years his attention has turned to the remarkable lives of northerners, as captured in the award-winning documentary Journeys to Adaka, followed by Aurora Love, and now Voices Across the Water. His next film, Smala, is about sheep farmers in Iceland.
producer | writer
Teresa’s career as a creative professional and cultural entrepreneur led her to filmmaking, where story, creativity, business and teamwork converge. She also teaches writing and has created and produced videos, books, magazines, websites, exhibits and several documentaries. Teresa produced, wrote and edited Journeys to Adäka and Aurora Love. Voices Across the Water is her third film, and she is in production on two new documentaries. Teresa is president of Screen Production Yukon Association.